Why do the French like to party so much?

Apart from their passion for cheese, the French are also known for their love of partying. With more than twenty parties a year, they always find the opportunity to go out on the weekend to enjoy themselves. But what are the reasons why the French are so lively?

Partying to reduce daily stress

Indeed, the Western lifestyle is said to favour the accumulation of stress. Although the labour code limits an employee's weekly working hours to 35 hours, human greed pushes people to work overtime to cover their monthly expenses. Anxiety then becomes a faithful companion of the French. To get rid of this, they try as best they can to entertain themselves. And why not by feasting? In fact, a small evening with two friends in a nightclub is already considered a party. And yet, discos are open to the public 5 days a week, except in exceptional circumstances. In fact, this love of partying is good news for the French, as it has helped to reduce the depression rate in France by 2%.

Why not celebrate with 1 month's paid holiday?

With more than a month's paid holiday, partying has become inevitable in France. And that's without mentioning the public holidays and bridge days. Knowing that France is generous to its inhabitants, they make sure to enjoy themselves as much as possible during their days off. Between holidays and festivities, it is proven that the French spend nearly 5 months out of 12 months partying without stress. Indeed, this only concerns the higher social classes. However, it is important to note that everyone can celebrate as they wish. Moreover, France has now become a multicultural country.

France: the leading tourist country

With more than 50 million visitors per year, this European country is said to be one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world. To reach this level, the French tourism sector had to adopt a great strategy: "la fĂȘte". Apart from religious holidays, France tries to take advantage of various occasions to have fun, such as the FĂȘte de la Musique, Mardi Gras, Beaujolais Nouveau, etc. This is mainly due to the fact that the historical monuments in Europe are beginning to bore the tourists.

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